K-Man Challenge Total Effort

Total Effort

The Total Effort % shows the sum of your efforts in each category normalized to the pace value. So if you were achieving 100% of the pace value in each category you would have a total effort of 400%. The four columns on the far right show your total miles in each category (hours for kinetic).

First Name Last Name Total Effort, % Swim Total, % Bike Total, % Run Total, % Kinetic Total, % Swim Miles Bike Miles Run Miles Kinetic Hours
Deb Bond 617 122 282 213 0 117.7 2704 599.9 0
Vicki Jo Townsend 599 0 404 82 113 0 3874 232 95
Cindy Watson 599 199 0 400 0 192.23 0 1127.7 0
Jennifer Glenesk 381 79 12 200 90 76.73 114.84 565.37 75.77
Jeff Weit 379 0 0 0 379 0 0 0 318
Tara Dolan 337 173 0 129 35 167.04 4.07 362.63 29.27
Mark Glenesk 293 87 148 58 0 83.8 1420 163 0
Bartt Frey 262 147 36 17 62 142.4 346 49 52
Nancy Prier 215 60 131 13 11 57.65 1261.48 38.02 9
Margret McCall 170 106 0 0 64 102.5 0 0 54
Jacquie Anderson 157 157 0 0 0 151.28 0 0 0
Dale Dolan 117 38 36 24 19 36.66 343.84 67.01 15.75
K-man Keith Schmidt 71 46 3 22 0 44 25 62 0
Tim Eckles 55 24 0 0 31 23.38 0 0 26
Dawn Wilt 44 27 0 4 13 26 0 12.1 11
Vicki Carroll 35 35 0 0 0 33.35 0 0 0
Rex West 26 0 26 0 0 0 249.8 0 0
First Name Last Name Total Effort, % Swim Total, % Bike Total, % Run Total, % Kinetic Total, % Swim Miles Bike Miles Run Miles Kinetic Hours


Total Effort range Level
100%-200% Meeting the Challenge
200%-300% High Achievers
300%-400% Overachievers
400% and above Addicts